

Display Panel, Signage, and LED/Videowall Warranty & Field Service

Terms and Conditions (English Version Only,服务保养条款只提供英文版本)


Upon receipt of full payment, King Fung Electronics Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as KF) offer 1 or 3 years of warranty service (limited) as specified to the original end-user & venue, counting from the date of installation completion or date of delivery (whichever is earlier)


Service Contact
1)  During the service period, please reach our company on 2686 8292 for warranty support or by email ( ). Our standard support service level is NBD 9am-5pm.
2)  Any warranty service requests will normally be responsed within 1 business day
3)  Please provide the relevant photos or information (such as invoice number, specification, end user name), if any, when describing the kinds of warranty service needed when reaching our support team.


Coverage of Warranty
1)  KF's products carry a 1-year manufacturer's warranty unless otherwise specified.
2)  Parts covered in the 1-year warranty include module, power supply, power cable, data cable, control card, and other electrical parts used on the display.
It does not include the decorative and protective frame/wrapping/tape, and installation structure.
3)  Hardware warranty does not include the onsite field service unless otherwise specified. Onsite field service request can be quoted by case.
4)  Any shipping costs or transporation cost arise will be at buyer's expense, if any.
5)  Warranty services will only be entertained within Hong Kong unless otherwise specified.


Exclusion of Warranty
This limited warranty does not cover the following:
1)  Damage that occurs during shipment except as otherwise agreed in writing by KF.
2)  Damage caused by accidental damage including impact, dropping, water damage, etc.
3)  Damage caused by the unauthorized adjustment, repair, or service of the product, including all components thereof.
4)  Damage caused by an electrical power surge, electrical power failure, neglect, abuse, or misuse.
5)  Damage caused by flood, fire, earthquake, wind, water, lightning, natural disaster, war, terrorism, riot, civil disturbance, computer virus, ransomware, or other cause beyond KF's reasonable control.
6)  Coverage beyond the scopes of limited warranty but within KF warranty period will still be eligible for repairment where possible in a quote-by-case basis (Reasonable charge of material and labour)


Onsite Service
1)  Onsite service will be charged by case, unless otherwise specified. Please contact KF for onsite service quote.
2)  Only warranty services that cannot be resolved remotely will be eligible for onsite service arrangement.
3)  KF's onsite staffs will conduct a visual checking of the defect to determine if it is under the scope of warranty before conducting other further actions.
4)  KF's onsite staffs will not be responsble for any requests outside the warranty scope.
5)  Onsite services within warranty period does not include any additional operational training of products or services, nor any add-hoc work beyond the original servie scopes.


1)  KF is not responsible for any claims of damages, expenses or losses caused by any delays, defects, omissions that may exist in KF's services or products
2)  Should there be any disputes arise, King Fung Electronics Co., Ltd reserves the right of final decision and to revise the above items without any advance announcement







   KF-专业电脑保用期为期3年, 包括3年零件, 人工(人为意外除外); 保用期内, 保用细则如下:

   提供 5 x 8的服务, 即每星期有五个工作天, 维修时间为9:00am – 6:00pm, 公众假期及星期六,日除外。



   蓝宝AMD显示卡提供 7 天有坏包换保证及 2 年免费保养服务, (包零件包人工, 只适用于港澳地区)。

   KF 景丰品牌之游戏显示卡提供30天有坏包换保証及2年免费保养服务。

   Brinno安防监察器产品提供 7 天有坏包换保证及 1 年免费保养服务。

   永擎工作站主机板产品提供 3 年保养服务(人为意外除外)。





1.  客户必须出示本公司所发出有效的产品保用証及购买单据。如未能出示者,本公司有权拒绝提供保养服务或收取港币100元正,作为补发保用証之行政费用。

2.  产品机身条码及KF识别码,必需与发票或保用証上的记录相同方为有效。

3.  客户所交来之维修产品,若经测试后能正常运作并无任何故障,而是与客户所使用的电脑周边配件或软体不兼容,本公司有权不作出退换或维修等服务。

4.  于下列情况下,本公司有权不作任何测试及终止该产品维修保养或向客户收取人工及零件等费用:

A.  未能証明乃本公司产品或该产品来历不明;

B.   产品上之产品型号贴纸、产品序号贴纸、保养专用贴纸或KF识别号码曾被撕出、涂改、损坏或无法辨认;

C.  产品因人为损坏、产品表面出现明显损毁;

D.  产品发现曾被擅自修理或改装、拆除零件、滥用超频、输入不当电压所引致之损坏或烧毁。(例如:改用含水银成份的散热油或改装风扇等);

E.  产品因不小心使用,引致表面有明显污垢,零件腐蚀或脱落等现象;

F.  产品因天灾人祸或不可抗拒的意外所做成的问题;

5.  若产品在有效保养期内,购买超出三个月的,如因所须零件或该产品停产而导致无法维修。本公司有权更换另一类似性能型号给客户。更换之产品型号及收费与否最终由本公司决定。

6.  客户可透过电话或电邮(e-mail)查询维修产品的维修进度,客户请于发出取回维修品通知后起计六十天内取回有关维修产品,否则本公司将视客户为放弃该产品而自行处理并不会发还有关产品,一概责任由客户自行承担。

7.  所有已更换之零件部份或其物件皆为本公司之财产所有。

8.  本公司有权拒绝测试非本公司产品,或测试中如有损坏或招至损失,本公司一概不负责及赔偿。本公司不设代客暂存及保管非本公司产品服务,请客人离开本公司时先点算清楚阁下之物品。如有损坏或遗失物品,本公司一概不负责及赔偿。

9.  本公司之产品并不能百份百保证能够支援其他品牌的产品。如购买产品后遇有不兼容的情况,本公司恕不负责。

10.  如客户要求即时需测试指定软体或硬体,本公司将收取港币100元之测试费,而软体测试费以单一软体计算,客户必须自备该合法软体及有效之软体序号,方可为客户测试;而有关硬体测试,请参考产品保养期内需知第8项。如经本公司技术人员测试后,判断为本公司产品出现故障而导致问题发生(当中并不包括硬体不兼容或冲突等情况),所收取客户的测试费用将全数退回给客户。

11.  客人接过维修完成之产品应即时进行检查,若发现有明显损伤或仍旧存在问题,请即时通知客户服务员或技术人员进行检查。

12.  本公司没有授权任何公司或店铺,代表本公司向客户做出任何承诺或提供任何服务。











